EPoSS workshop on smart systems for the automated hospital

09:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
Kalendereintrag speichern
Kaiserin Friedrich Haus

Robert-Koch-Platz 7

10115 Berlin


Within the megatrend of digitising the society, all sectors will experience new concepts and approaches to respond to societal needs and to conceive products and services. The health sector will not derogate the rule and has to rethink the role of healthcare in the society and redesign the provision of services to individuals. In view of these changing requirements, the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration (EPoSS) invites to a workshop.

Digital technologies offer interesting opportunities to improve the healthcare system and to contribute to a more personalised medicine. However, eHealth does not only mean digitising healthcare through a software approach but also comprises hardware-centric or hybrid hardware-software visions. Additionally, if healthcare is in the future seamlessly integrated in people’s life, specific medical interventions will still require dedicated, high-end and costly medical equipment and a framework that only hospitals will be able to provide. The hospital environment has therefore to adapt. Automation appears as one smart approach to support the digitisation of hospitals.

To be able to fully assess all these aspects of the “Automated Hospital”, the workshop is open to the EPoSS community as well as external stakeholders. The active involvement of other European Technology Platforms shall further guarantee the cross-platform and pan-European alignment of discussions. Regarding the programme, different interactive formats shall ensure highly effective discussions. The preliminary agenda will be circulated in a timely manner.

One of the main goals of the workshop is to validate EPoSS Position Paper on "Smart Systems for the Automated Hospital" which is currently in its draft version and which provide a point of reference for shaping the European Framework Programme 9.

To register for the workshop, please go to the registration page.