Pain and touch sensations require Schwann cells

Special receptor cells under the skin enable us to feel pain and touch. But Schwann cells also play a key role in detecting such stimuli, researchers at the Max Delbrück Center report in “Nature Communications.” This discovery opens new avenues for…

2 Min

Computer-engineered DNA to study cell identities

A new computer program allows scientists to design synthetic DNA segments that indicate, in real time, the state of cells. Reported by the Gargiulo lab in “Nature Communications”, it will be used to screen for anti-cancer or viral infections drugs,…

3 Min

Gene editing precisely repairs immune cells

Some hereditary genetic defects cause an exaggerated immune response that can be fatal. Using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool, such defects can be corrected, thus normalizing the immune response, as researchers led by Klaus Rajewsky from the Max…

3 Min

New findings on brain stiffness in multiple sclerosis - Measuring tissue rigidity could improve MS monitoring

Researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbrück Center have new findings on brain stiffness as a marker of neuroinflammation in multiple sclerosis to report. In this section, they answer questions about their research…

4 Min

New at Charité: international master’s degree program in space medicine

Erasmus Mundus joint master in Germany, France, and Slovenia

Cold, isolation, weightlessness: People face extreme conditions in places like Antarctica or space. Space medicine is the study of how humans adapt to these environments and how to…

4 Min
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