MEDICA Healthcare Brokerage Event 2022

LOCATION Onsite: Messe Düsseldorf, Hall 6, First Floor Gallery, Stand A6.1


On the occasion of MEDICA 2022 (14 - 17 November), the global No. 1 meeting place for the medical sector, ZENIT GmbH together with the Healthcare Sector Group of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is organizing an international Brokerage Event. The aim is to assist enterprises, universities and research institutions in finding partners worldwide for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, distribution partnerships, research cooperation, joint ventures, financing/investment, public buyers or other types of partnership.

This international Healthcare Brokerage Event at MEDICA fair has a tradition of 20 years now. In the last years the brokerage event had always more than 350 participants from 40 countries with 700 pre-selected and agreed meetings.

After two special "COVID-19" years, the impact of the pandemic is still commonplace for all of us today, especially if we work in the health sector. Since 2020, we have learned to work "online" or "hybrid". This year, we are happy to offer physical meeting days at our booth for the whole duration of MEDICA 2022. For those who are not able to travel or book on-site meetings, we offer the possibility to meet online until December 15th, 2022.
We would like to give you more flexibility to meet potential partners, because we are aware that not all of you will be able to visit MEDICA this year.

In addition, we are planning webinars, presentations, pitches and other content for you, just like in 2021. These events are still in the planning stageand you will be timely informed or invited to these additional activities via the website.


Why participate:

  • Use the event to initiate new businesses
  • Meet providers of innovative technologies from throughout Europe and beyond 
  • Enter into contact with potential partners for future co-operation
  • Establish cross-border contacts for long-term business relationships
  • Find new partners for research projects

 Registration fees

All participants who inform us about a cooperation and confirm this in
writing in a document will get back their registration fee.

The registration fee does not include the admission ticket to the MEDICA trade fair. You need the MEDICA ticket only, if you go to visit the fair and to take onsite part at the brokerage event:



EEN members are: European Union and the other European countries (but not Belarus, Russia) plus Armenia, Canada, Chile, China, India, Israel, Japan, Qatar, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Türkiye, and USA.


  • 250 Euro - Companies, associations, research institutions, etc. (non-EEN territories)
  • 150 Euro – Companies, associations, research institutions, etc. (EEN)
  • 75 Euro - Start-Ups (EEN, established on or after 1.1.2020)
  • 0 Euro – Investors, business angels
  • 0 Euro – distribution company of foreign products or public buyer