Blood transfusion safety system Cairos



Treatment with blood products is driven by information and is highly regulated in medicine worldwide. Severe adverse events (SAE) due to "never events" (process errors supposed to never ever occur), however, indicate that guidelines and…

1 Min

CortBS- Ultrasound Osteoporosis Dx



Loss of bone health is a global health problem in aging populations.  Every third women and every fifth men is at risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis results from misbalance of bone resorption and formation processes. These misbalances…

2 Min

Speed Lecture Award 2019: application phase extended

Young researchers are still having a chance to apply for the Speed Lecture Award at BIONNALE 2019 until March 29.

The traditional final event of the annual BIONNALE is looking for the most captivating research pitches from young researchers, who can…

1 Min

Inventors for Health (pilot program)

Inventors for Health are entrepreneurial individuals who have innovative ideas for inventions in life sciences and medicine and pursue these ideas individually or in small teams. Inventors can basically be clinically active people of all career…

1 Min


Apply for individual support to enter the Japanese or Korean life science market successfully

5 Min

Bayer’s darolutamide plus androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) significantly extends metastasis-free survival with a favorable safety profile compared to placebo plus ADT in non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

American Society of Clinical Oncology Genitourinary Cancers Symposium (ASCO GU) 2019

6 Min

Call for applicants - Solicit Proposals for Drug Discovery Research


Asahi Kasei Pharma to Solicit Proposals for Drug Discovery Research

Asahi Kasei Pharma is publicly calling for new proposals related to drug development research as part its efforts for open innovation, to promote pharmaceutical research and…

9 Min

Open call for companies 2019 – Paris Region


If awarded, you will:

  • Co-develop and validate the solution within the GHU Paris, GCSMS 91 or FOCH Hospital and GIP RESAH.
  • Receive funding up to 60.000€ [40.000€ for Challenges 1 to 4 and 60.000€ for Challenge 5, completed with a maximum funding…
1 Min

IMI2 - Call 17

Call ID: H2020-JTI-IMI2-2019-17-two-stage

Action Type: RIA – Research and Innovation Actions

3 Min

Call for Tender “Stress reduction of patients, undergoing surgical interventions, during the entire care path”

Be aware and apply!

1 Min
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