IMI2 - Call 14
Call ID: H2020-JTI-IMI2-2018-14-two-stage
Action Type: RIA – Research and Innovation Actions
- Topic 1: Targeted immune intervention for the management of non-response and relapse
- Topic 2: Non-invasive clinical molecular imaging of immune cells
- Topic 3: Development of a platform for federated and privacy-preserving machine learning in support of drug discovery
- Topic 4: Centre of excellence – remote decentralised clinical trials
Indicative budget
- From EFPIA companies and IMI2 Associated Partners: EUR 84 920 360
- From the IMI2 JU: EUR 82 357 000
Key dates and deadlines
- Publication date: 15 March 2018
- Stage 1 submission start date: 15 March 2018
- Stage 1 submission deadline: 14 June 2018
- Stage 2 submission deadline: 11 December 2018
How to apply
All documents relating to the Call can be found via the Participant Portal and the IMI2 Call documents page, in particular the IMI Manual for evaluation, submission and grant award - version 1.6.
Short proposals must be submitted via the electronic submission system of the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. To start submitting your proposal, simply click on the relevant topic above - this will take you directly to that topic's page on the Participant Portal. Once there, scroll down and click on 'Start submission'.
Detailed guidance on how to submit a proposal, including a detailed user manual and frequently asked questions, can be found under the Submit a Proposal section of the Participant Portal Horizon 2020 Online Manual.
To submit a proposal via the electronic submission system, applicants will need to have an EU Login account and ensure that their organisation is registered as a beneficiary.