RaySearch and Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG enter into partnership regarding brachytherapy

RaySearch, a medical technology company for innovative software solutions, and Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG have signed a partnership agreement. Both the RayStation® treatment planning system and the RayCare oncology information system will be integrated…

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NOXXON Pharma N.V. (Euronext Growth Paris: ALNOX), a biotechnology company focused on improving cancer treatments by targeting the tumor microenvironment (TME), announced today that it has issued another tranche of the ODIRNANE bonds (undated bonds…

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Blood test enables reading out the internal clock

With a new blood test, researchers at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin can determine the state of the internal clock of a person. Once the internal rhythm of patient is known, drugs could be administered at particular times of day making them…

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Restore Health – Therapies that cure

The European Commission (EC) announced that the FET Flagship RESTORE, which was initiated by the Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT), has been selected to enter the next phase of the FET Flagship competition. A successful FET…

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Berlin Health Innovations invests in 18 pioneering innovations

The validation fund of Berlin Health Innovations in cooperation with SPARK Berlin is entering its first round. 18 selected teams from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz…

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ProBioGen and Nouscom Sign License Agreement for ProBioGen’s Technology Platform

Proprietary Duck Cell Line Serves as Large-Scale Production-Suitable Cell Substrate

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Thinking beyond the lab: Call for improved ethics in preclinical research

Joint press release by Berlin Institute of Health and Charité – Universtätsmedizin Berlin


Avoidable errors in preclinical research often result in patients being subjected to studies where the risks are high and the chances of success are low.…

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Eckert & Ziegler is Manufacturing Partner for Bayer’s Innovative Targeted Thorium Conjugates in Europe

Eckert & Ziegler AG, a specialist for scientific, medical, and industrial applications of radioisotopes, has been selected as manufacturing partner for clinical supply of Bayer's innovative Targeted Thorium Conjugates (TTCs) in Europe. TTCs are a…

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Identification of a novel hepatitis B virus in capuchin monkeys

Researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Justus-Liebig-Universität (JLU) Gießen have identified a new hepatitis B virus in Brazilian capuchin monkeys. Their research, which offers insights into the evolution of hepatitis B viruses in…

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