Debiopharm expands its radiopharmaceutical footprint with an exclusive in-licensing agreement of 3B Pharmaceutical’s targeted CAIX radiotherapy

Debiopharm, a Swiss-based biopharmaceutical company announced having entered into a worldwide, exclusive license & research agreement with 3B Pharmaceuticals (3BP), a German biotechnology firm, to further the development of their radioligand program,…

3 Min

Progress towards an MVP to globally benchmark AI symptom assessments


“In the beginning, no one could really imagine how such complex systems like ‘AI symptom checkers’ could be benchmarked, but now this topic group is showing to be actually cracking this nut.” Developing an internationally recognized standardized…

3 Min

Digital collaboration on rare diseases

Twenty university hospitals and other partner institutions have joined forces across Germany under the CORD-MI (Collaboration on Rare Diseases) project to improve patient care and research in the field of rare diseases. CORD-MI has been funded by the…

5 Min

Recognise and control new variants of the deadly Ebola virus more quickly

The situation is extraordinary: there have only ever been four declarations of public health emergencies of international concern in the past and now there are two at the same time. Whilst the risks associated with the novel coronavirus are still…

3 Min

Fine-tuning gene scissors: Computer model for adjusting CRISPR-Cas9 enables more precise cuts in the genome

The CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool makes it possible to modify the genetic material of organisms. But CRISPR technology is not perfect. Frequently, these molecular “scissors” also make incisions in genetic regions that have a similar appearance to the…

2 Min

Advancing knowledge for the clinical and public health response to the 2019-nCoV epidemic


10 Min



We welcome applications from young European start-up companies looking to expand their profile, advance their business ideas and build relationships with life-science investors and supporters of innovation.

European life-science spin-offs and…

1 Min

Ausschreibung für ein Forschungsstipendium - Call for grant applications

Da die Bewerbung hierfür auf Englisch erfolgen muss, sind alle weiteren Informationen auf dieser Seite in Englischer Sprache verfasst.


The Challenge

ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e.V. – Research Grant Awards are designed to promote research in areas that…

2 Min

ProBioGen and Lava Therapeutics Sign Cell Line Development and GMP Manufacturing Agreement for Novel Bispecific Molecule


ProBioGen AG and Lava Therapeutics B.V. announced the closing of a cell line development and manufacturing agreement for Lava’s novel bispecific antibody lead candidate.

Founded in 2016, Lava Therapeutics works on the development of antibody…

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ProBioGen inks next Commercial GlymaxX® License with Roche

ADCC-enhancement for innovative cancer therapy

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