ProBioGen and Vaccitech Sign License Agreement for ProBioGen’s Technology Platform
AGE1.CR® Duck Cell Line - Safe and Well tolerated for Large-Scale Production
AGE1.CR® Duck Cell Line - Safe and Well tolerated for Large-Scale Production
Scientists develop a molecular recording tool that enables in vivo lineage tracing of embryonic cells
The G4A Growth and Advance Tracks offer a gateway to partner with Bayer in the digital health space. The business challenges include the field of cardiovascular, dermatology, digital therapeutics, global health, neurotech, oncology, ophthalmology,…
ProBioGen AG, a premier German service & technology provider for complex biologics today proudly announced that their CSO, Dr. Volker Sandig was awarded the first ESACT Innovation Award during yesterday’s ESACT bi-annual scientific meeting in…
Lotte Müller is an 85-year-old single woman who lives in a two-bedroom apartment in Berlin. She is now restricted in her mobility and therefore dependent on walking aids. She also suffers from a chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis. Despite a…
Advanced Material Competition
23 September - 8 October 2019
Call for start-ups is now open!
AdMaCom addresses scientific driven startups with outstanding technologies and business models in the area of Advanced Materials. This year, AdMaCom will…
- LabTwin GmbH, an independent company backed by Boston Consulting Group Digital Ventures (BCG Digital Ventures) and leading biopharma supplier, Sartorius, announced the launch of the world’s first voice and AI-powered digital lab…
Max Planck scientists investigated the dissemination mechanisms of malaria.
Mosquitoes transmit malaria, but not every malaria-infected mosquito is the same. An international team led by the Max Planck researcher Elena Levashina has described in a…
LEDGER, a European project financed by the European Commission, is looking for 32 human centric innovators to develop Minimum Viable Products and Services, in order to achieve new models that preserve citizens’ digital sovereignty, where data is a…