Bayer to Accelerate Drug Discovery with Google Cloud’s High-Performance Compute Power

Bayer to speed up its in-silico research and development with Google Cloud’s high-speed processors / Collaboration aims to enable Bayer to run large quantum chemistry calculations at scale using Google Tensorflow Processing Units 

3 Min

ProBioGen Collaborates with Boehringer Ingelheim on DirectedLuck® Transposase Technology

ProBioGen announced today a new non-exclusive collaboration with Boehringer Ingelheim on ProBioGen's DirectedLuck® transposase technology.

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Review: "The Product is the Process – Is it?" Manufacturing and Translation of ATMPs and Tissue- & Cell-based products

An event held in cooperation with the Biotechnologieverbund Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., BBB; the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut; the Central Authority of the Länder for Health Protection with regard to Medicinal Products and Medical Devices, ZLG; the German Stem…

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DSM chooses LabTwin to advance their digitalization strategy in Science & Innovation with the latest voice and AI solutions.

DSM rolls out Labtwin's AI and voice powered digital lab assistant

Today, Royal DSM N.V., a global company specializing in health, nutrition, and sustainable living, and LabTwin GmbH, the leading voice and AI-powered digital lab assistant, announce…

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Therabest and Glycotope to assess Therabest’s iPSC-derived NK cell product TB-100 in combination with Glycotope’s GT-00AxIL15 immuno-cytokine for development in triple negative breast cancer

Therabest and Glycotope to assess Therabest’s iPSC-derived NK cell product TB-100 in combination with Glycotope’s GT-00AxIL15 immuno-cytokine for development in triple negative breast cancer

4 Min

OMEICOS Therapeutics Announces Expansion of OMT-28 Clinical Development Program into Primary Mitochondrial Diseases

OMT-28’s established safety profile, biomarker data, and funding secured from existing investors enable swift transition into a Phase II clinical study

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Interview | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Heyo K. Kroemer, Chief Executive Officer of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Diverse challenges and opportunities

3 Min

Special Topic | This is how the German capital region supports founders

The Berlin-Brandenburg capital region is one of the leading life science regions in Europe and a lot is being done to keep it that way: with a wide variety of space offerings and support program for founders and start-ups.

5 Min

Peter Fratzl elected to Chinese Chemical Society

Prestigious commendation

Max Planck Director Prof. Dr. Peter Fratzl has been appointed honorary life member by the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS). The CCS describes this nomination as "the highest honor bestowed on the world's most distinguished…

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Cancer researcher Ulrike Stein receives high honor

Ulrike Stein is searching for molecules that play a key role in metastasis, aiming to use them as therapeutic targets for solid tumors and to improve cancer prognosis. The Metastasis Research Society has recognized her work with this year’s Women in…

5 Min
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