ProBioGen Partners with MAPP BIOPHARMACEUTICAL, INC. for Groundbreaking Development of Afucosylated Antibody Against Marburg Virus Disease Using GlymaxX Technology

ProBioGen, a leading CDMO of innovative solutions and services for biopharmaceutical development, is pleased to announce the execution of services and license agreements with MAPP BIOPHARMACEUTICAL, INC. to develop a cell line for an afucosylated…

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Following Proteins on Their Journey - Team of researchers at Freie Universität Berlin develops new technique to release and study individual proteins in cells / Study published in “Nature Methods”

A research team led by biochemist Professor Helge Ewers from Freie Universität Berlin has developed a new technique for the light-mediated release and investigation of proteins in live cells. The technique makes use of a laser pulse to control the…

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Application deadline: April 3

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Computational neurology: Christian Meisel awarded funding for Schilling Foundation professorship

Dr. Christian Meisel, a physician and neuroscientist at the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH) and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, has been awarded funding for an endowed chair of computational neurology from the Hermann and Lilly…

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Ariceum Therapeutics announces opening of new state-of-the-art laboratory in Berlin providing infrastructure for radiopharmaceutical development activities

Berlin, Germany, 5 March 2024 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing radiopharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and treatment of certain hard-to-treat cancers, is pleased to announce the opening of its new…

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Rooftop Pitch Potsdam

Date: June 03, 2024

Time: 4 - 9 p.m.

Venue: Wissenschaftsetage at Bildungsforum Potsdam (WIS)

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A new channel for touch

Touch is a fundamental, yet scarcely understood, sense. Now, the team led by Gary Lewin at the Max Delbrück Center has discovered a second ion channel associated with touch perception. Elkin1 could be a target for pain therapy, the team writes in…

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Eckert & Ziegler Extends Ga-68 Activities in Japan

Berlin, Germany – 28 February 2024 – Eckert & Ziegler (ISIN DE0005659700, SDAX) expands its activities on Gallium-68 (Ga-68) labeled diagnostics in Japan together with Novartis Pharma K.K. (Japan).

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New Study on the Benefits of Covid-19 Nasal Spray Vaccination Published in “Nature Communications” - Joint research led by scientists at Freie Universität Berlin reaches another milestone

Rocketvax AG, together with the German Research Foundation (DFG), has financially supported a study carried out as part of a joint project of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, National Research Program “Covid-19,” NRP 78) and the German…

3 Min

Releasing “brakes” in the brain - Researchers use deep brain stimulation to localize disrupted neural pathways

When certain connections in the brain do not function correctly, disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and Tourette’s syndrome may result. Targeted stimulation of specific areas in the brain can help…

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