Stray proteins cause genetic disorders

A tiny change in the very flexible segments of some proteins is enough to trigger rare disorders such as Glut1 deficiency syndrome. A study published in Cell found that other genetic disorders might be traced back to the same origin.

5 Min

Charité researchers lay the groundwork for drugs with fewer side effects

Researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Zuse Institute Berlin have developed a new generation of pain medications. The researchers used computer simulations to develop new opioids that will only work at sites affected by injury…

3 Min

Citoxlab signs investment and partnership deal with Experimental Pharmacology and Oncology Berlin-Buch GmbH (EPO)

Investment in the German CRO, specialized in the preclinical assessment of new anticancer drugs, strengthens Citoxlab’s pharmacology portfolio, which will benefit from many synergies with preclinical safety and biomarkers services already provided…

2 Min

Scannexus and MRI.TOOLS announce collaboration

Scannexus and MRI.TOOLS GmbH are delighted to announce collaboration for the
advancement of body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The joint project
‘MENTORA_4_EU’ has been awarded with funding from the EUROSTARS program, an EU
Horizon 2020…

2 Min

Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu receives Sofja Kovalevskaja Award 2018

Turkish researcher explores how developing life is shaped


Aydan Bulut Karslioglu, head of a research group at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, is one of six international scientific talents, who will receive a Sofja…

2 Min

Using telemedicine to increase life expectancy

Study shows telemedicine provides benefits for patients with heart failure


Telemedical interventional management reduces hospitalisations and prolongs the life of patients with heart failure. Researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin…

3 Min

Foundation launches £30m award

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) will tender £30m (€33.2m) to tackle the suffering and devastation caused by heart and circulatory diseases

1 Min

Discovering the Berlin Digital Health ecosystem!


Start Alliance Berlin: Digital Health is a two-week program taking place in November 2018 which is intended to help startups from BEIJING, DUBAI, NEW YORK, LONDON, PARIS, SHANGHAI, TEL AVIV, VIENNA and WARSAW to expand their business to Germany via…

3 Min

MOLOGEN and ONCOLOGIE: Global assignment and codevelopment agreement relating to MOLOGEN’s lead compound lefitolimod

The biopharmaceutical company MOLOGEN AG signed, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, a term sheet outlining the framework for a global assignment of all intellectual property and other rights in MOLOGEN’s lead compound lefitolimod to ONCOLOGIE…

7 Min

Joining forces for immune research

The initiative “Immunology & Inflammation” unifies efforts in immunological research within the Helmholtz Association. 23 working groups from five Helmholtz Centers are joining forces to address some of the most complex problems in today's immunology…

3 Min
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