Eckert & Ziegler wird in den SDax aufgenommen

Die Berliner Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG (ISIN DE0005659700), ein Spezialist für isotopentechnische Anwendungen in Medizin, Wissenschaft und Industrie, wird mit Wirkung zum 24. Juni 2019 in den SDax aufgenommen. Diese…

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Looking beneath the cell surface

BIH scientists have been able to observe receptors transmitting signals inside the cell


The body’s own signaling molecules, and many drugs, often exert their effect via cell surface receptors. These receptors poke through the cell membrane,…

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Apply now for the cdgw-Future Award 2019!

The “Future Award Healthcare Industry” is awarded annually by the Club of Healthcare Industry (cdgw). The award consists of two parts: a reward of 5,000 euros and a publication of the award winner in the professional magazine “kma” (Thieme group).…

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Christof von Kalle appointed BIH Chair for Clinical Translational Sciences

On June 1, 2019, Professor Christof von Kalle will become a tenured professor of clinical translational sciences at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The cancer expert will head the joint BIH and Charité…

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ProBioGen and Abcuro signed GlymaxX®-Improved Cell Line Development and GMP Production Agreement

ProBioGen AG, a premier service and technology provider for complex therapeutic antibodies and glycoproteins, today announced the closing of a services and license agreement with Abcuro, Inc. Pursuing a new generation of immune modulatory…

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Collaborative Research Center dedicated to the study of control in addiction

Approximately 10 million people in Germany are addicted to either alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs or illegal drugs. A small percentage manage to overcome their addiction without any outside help. How they manage to do so is being explored by the…

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When wheels and heads are spinning - DFG research project on motion sickness in automated driving

Whether it is working on the computer or playing a card game with the kids - automated driving creates plenty of opportunities for activities while traveling by car. However, these cause discomfort and nausea in some people - a typical motion…

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EU Gateway | Business Avenues opens doors to the Korean healthcare market

The 2020 EU Gateway | Business Avenues Healthcare & Medical Technologies business mission to Korea is confirmed from 16-20 March.

Up to 50 European companies will be selected and receive coaching during the application stage, the week-long mission…

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ProBioGen and Vaccitech Sign License Agreement for ProBioGen’s Technology Platform

AGE1.CR® Duck Cell Line - Safe and Well tolerated for Large-Scale Production

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Recording embryonic development

Scientists develop a molecular recording tool that enables in vivo lineage tracing of embryonic cells

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