Call for Tender “Stress reduction of patients, undergoing surgical interventions, during the entire care path”

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1 Min

CRISPR Therapeutics and ProBioGen Sign Collaboration and License Agreement to Develop Novel In Vivo Delivery Technologies


CRISPR Therapeutics (NASDAQ:CRSP), a biopharmaceutical company focused on creating transformative gene-based medicines for serious diseases, and ProBioGen, a premier German service and technology provider, today announced a multi-year research…

2 Min

Tracking development cell by cell is ‘Breakthrough of the Year’ – Berlin-based MDC is a hot spot for such research

The U.S. journal Science has chosen single-cell analysis as the Breakthrough of the Year. A major international hot spot for the revolutionary technology is the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin. The European consortium…

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Multiple sclerosis – helping cells to help themselves

Researchers decipher one of the body’s brain regeneration mechanisms

Diseases such as multiple sclerosis are characterized by damage to the ‘myelin sheath’, a protective covering wrapped around nerve cells akin to insulation around an electrical…

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NTU Singapore and Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces launch joint lab in healthcare and robotics


Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Germany’s Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPICI) have launched a joint lab to conduct research in artificial senses and develop innovative robotics and healthcare…

3 Min

Europe looks to cells for a healthier future

Our body’s cells are constantly changing. But which of these changes are healthy developments and which lead to serious diseases? This is what LifeTime, a new transnational and interdisciplinary initiative of leading European researchers, aims to…

6 Min

Speed Lecture Award 2019

What is the Speed Lecture Award?

Six young scientists present in three minutes their new projects and ideas in life sciences and healthcare industries in front of the BIONNALE audience of around 800 experts from academia, science and business. The…

2 Min

Andrea Runow is the new Chief Financial Officer (komm.) and Member of the Executive Board at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH)

At the beginning of 2019, Andrea Runow took over as Head of Finance and Controlling and as acting Chief Financial Officer and Executive Board member of Berlin Institute of Health (BIH). She succeeds Dr. Rolf Zettl, who is leaving BIH after three…

1 Min

Stressed mothers - overweight children

Every tenth child is overweight, every twentieth even obese. Scientists at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), together with colleagues at Charité and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig, have now studied a relationship…

3 Min

ProBioGen’s GlymaxX® ADCC Enhancement Technology used by Betta Pharmaceuticals

Bispecific Antibody for Cancer Treatment Optimized by GlymaxX® Technology

3 Min
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