Lausanne University Hospital Investigates Use of PENTIXAFOR in Cardio-Vascular Setting

The Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) has reported the initial dosing of a patient in a phase II clinical study investigating the sensitivity of PENTIXAFOR (Boclatixafotide) in a cardiovascular and inflammatory setting. It is the first time that…

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Pioneering method for stem cell diagnostics: Leif S. Ludwig receives Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Early Career Award

Biochemist and physician at the Berlin Institute of Health is conducting research into how our blood form

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Max Delbrück Center's AI analysis of cancer mutations may improve therapy

Combining single-cell data with a self-learning algorithm reveals how structural changes in chromosomes can trigger cancer. This new method could pave the way for personalized cancer treatments, writes a team led by Ashley Sanders in “Nature…

3 Min

Researchers of Max Delbrück Center develop a new method that is able to identify “zipcodes” that assign a destination to mRNAs

Decoding cellular zipcodes

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Pioneering method for stem cell diagnostics: Leif S. Ludwig receives Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Early Career Award

4 Min

ERC Proof of Concept Grant for Mina Gouti

Organoids have to be fed and cared for continuously so that they can mature. So far, it is mostly a manual process – not suitable for industrial drug screening. Now, the European Research Council (ERC) has awarded Mina Gouti a Proof of Concept Grant…

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Launch of the European Cancer Imaging Initiative (

Today, at an event in Brussels, the Commission is launching the European Cancer Imaging Initiative to support healthcare providers, research institutes and innovators in making the best use of innovative data-driven solutions for cancer treatment and…

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Innovative research and clinical care under one roof: Rahel Hirsch Center for Translational Medicine of the BIH and Charité opens its doors

9 Min

ABL SA group acquires Berlin based Medtech company Humedics

ABL SA acquires the company Humedics Gmbh to extend the use of a robust, well-known, and CE-marked technology intended to be used for liver function measurement. Financial terms are not disclosed.

1 Min

Female Founders Award 2023 | Apply or Nominate Now!

On April 26, 2023, the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany (AmCham Germany) will present its Female Founders Award for the fourth time in Berlin.

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